Moroccan Mark/Adobe Illustrator This man looks like he could be a little sneaky. :) Actually, this was a friend's Halloween costume, and inspired me enough to draw a caricature of him. :)
...posted anything new. Well so, these aren't exactly new, but more like updated versions of illustrations I've already posted. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon, posting some new freelance and such. :) Submission forIllustration Friday-Suspense Big Boss Man Adobe Illustrator Swim Against Death Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator CS2. My pastor's wife asked me to make a logo for the Bible quiz team at my church. She said she wanted the chocolate brown/blue combo that's been popular for awhile. I think I wound up going a bit more teal than she originally had in mind, but she said she preferred how it came out. I told the printers I wanted this to go over the breast pocket area, but wish I'd have thought to have it printed over the whole front. Must be my conservative nature. :)